![]() 01/02/2014 at 17:15 • Filed to: JDM Import, Illegal Imports | ![]() | ![]() |
EDIT: I wanted to come back to this, and say as of now (March 2014) no importers mentioned in this article are currently bringing in cars before their month of manufacture. It seems most importers, after researching the issue further, concluded the cars are not legal until month of manufacture. It is still possible to sneak one in past a customs official who hasn't been made clear on the issue, but it is definitely not legal.
A lot of us commented that there was something fishy about the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! from the FP. Import laws go by date of manufacture, and R32 GT-R production started in August. I found one explanation for how this car was possibly imported from Canada. First off let me say I've done a massive amount of research on the import process. However I've ignored Canada, because I never had the desire to import from there.
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! by !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! .
From Nostalgia Imports facebook page, they're stating the car was deemed eligible by US Customs because Canada only looks at the build year. They didn't state specifics, but they must have shown some type of Canadian documentation that only stated the year. The problem with this, is that it's a mistake. The law regarding this is clear, if the person enforcing the law makes a mistake, it doesn't nullify the law. That car is not a legal import.
More troubling though, is it seems this importer is looking to take that tact to bring cars in. I'm sure others will as well. They've also erroneously stated that once it's here, there's nothing to worry about. That is absolutely not true. I hope they do their research and come to realize even if the cars make it in, it doesn't make them legal. It seems up to that statement, everything they've done has been legal.
So now there is a new issue to worry about when buying an imported car. Did your importer sneak it in early through Canada?
I got into an argument the other day on !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! over an illegally imported !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . The car was being sold by !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . I was talking to Gerard in the comments after calling the car out as illegal. No matter the argument, he still insisted it was legal, but would not prove it. This is the problem with buying an imported car. There are many people that will take advantage of you. They will take advantage of the fact that people want to have something 'first'.
So if you're in the R32 market, Caveat Emptor.
EDIT: Including this excerpt from the !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! (emphasis mine):
8. Importing a vehicle that is at least 25 years old.
A motor vehicle that is at least 25 years old can be lawfully imported into the U.S. without regard to whether it complies with all applicable FMVSS. Such a vehicle would be entered under Box 1 on the HS-7 Declaration form to be given to Customs at the time of importation. If you wish to see that form, you may download a copy from our website at !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! . You should note that the 25 year period runs from the date of the vehicle's manufacture. If the date of manufacture is not identified on a label permanently affixed to the vehicle by its original manufacturer, to establish the age of the vehicle, you should have documentation available such as an invoice showing the date the vehicle was first sold or a registration document showing that the vehicle was registered at least 25 years ago. Absent such information, a statement from a recognized vehicle historical society identifying the age of the vehicle could be used.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 17:31 |
Pictured: Owner of Nostalgia Imports
![]() 01/02/2014 at 17:33 |
So production of the MY1989 GT-R did not start until August of 1989??? That means that the first production models would not have hit lots until maybe October? Who releases a current model year in October? I could see August of 1988 production dates for 89...
![]() 01/02/2014 at 17:36 |
...or just wait til August. Who wants the headaches that could arise over a few months.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 17:38 |
People be greedy...can we start a new meme?
![]() 01/02/2014 at 17:43 |
Yes please. I can't but I'm sure there are some who would be happy to do it.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 17:43 |
That's US thinking right there.
In most parts of the world, date of production or even date of first registry is what defines a vehicle's age. The MY thing is a very peculiar US thing. I see that it was useful when in the 50s the big three really changed their cars every summer.
But now, carmakers introduce their cars whenever they feel like it. So getting a '14 car in the fall of '13 is unheard of in the rest of the world.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:03 |
I get that us 'Merikans are early (I've seen 2014 on the lots since April of 2013, and fully expect to see 2016 models on the lot this year...) but this seems like the 1989 model wouldn't hit the lots until 1990 (at which point shouldn't it be a 1990 model).
I also see a lot of non-domestic makes that show up early. Are these just not being sold in other markets until the year they are marked as?
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:22 |
This guy is now the face of all things questionable.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:23 |
Hi, I'm the owner of the R32 that crossed the border into Maine on 1/1/14 at 12:01AM. I'm interested in understanding why you feel it is safe to assert that "even if the cars make it in, it doesn't make them legal." I used box 1 on the HS-7 and listed the date of manufacture as 1989. I used code E on the 3520-1 form. The CBP officer at the border station asked if I knew the exact date of manufacture (I didn't), and pointed out that the EPA regs state that the age of a vehicle is determined by subtracting the production year from the current calendar year (2014 - 1989 = 25). NHTSA/DOT don't provide any further clarification except to say 25 years old. If I was truthful in my declaration for the car (I was), and if CBP gave me an entry # and charged me duties (they did), and cleared me to take the car into the US: HOW EXACTLY CAN THIS COME BACK TO BITE ME OR BE DEEMED ILLEGAL IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER? Do tell.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:35 |
Read the 3520-1. Its very clear. Calendar date of manufacturer minus current year. HS7 is not as clear. Just says date of manufacturer. So in 2012, when I was importing my NISMO's under Show or Display, I asked. The US Customs officer said that they only did it by calendar year. I kept that in my pocket. So when people asked when the GT-R's were 25 years old, I told them starting in August. Places like Nostalgia Imports repeated that info from me. If they would have asked themselves they might have found out different.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:40 |
Sweet barking cheese. He makes Rob Ford look downright trustworthy...
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:42 |
Why does everyone assume that the model year of a vehicle is exactly the same in Japan as other countries?
Serious- get out more. Pay more attention. Japan its calendar year to calendar year. Its not like the US, where we have a 2014 GT-R in 2013.
Nissan R32 GT-R Production Dates
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:48 |
It's a technicality. As of now, you're fine. But by the date of manufacture your car is only 24 1/2 years old. You may be totally ok, and nothing happens. Or, someone higher up might decide that the person at the border made a mistake. If that's the case you'll get a letter about it, or you'll have Homeland Security knocking on your door.
Obviously, your import has become high profile. In the interest of stopping others, someone may take interest in it.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:49 |
I really do think Nostalgia Imports is a legitimate operation...I'm afraid they may just be making a mistake in their thinking right now...
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:53 |
They are being sold in other markets. There just isn't that fixation on MYs.
Also remember that Europe is a "made to order" market! If you want a new vehicle, you go to the local dealership, spec it any way you want it, and take delivery 2-6 months later.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:53 |
Who did you ask? Was that in writing?
I understand your reasoning there, but you could just as easily reason the other way given how the HS-7 is worded. As you said, it's not crystal clear.
Was that your Nismo and Hako at JCCS? If so, nice cars, and good luck with your business.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:54 |
Really, Europe has no pre-built new cars on lots??? Like at all. Ever? I have so much to learn.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 18:56 |
Thanks for allowing my post and for your reply.
(page “vi”)
The government is certainly able to decide to make an example of me if they choose to, but I'm really not sure exactly how they could rescind the decision of a CBP Officer / Agent whose job it is to clear or deny declared goods coming into the US. The US Gov't had the opportunity to educate its border stations and provide prior guidance as to how officers should handle any 1989 Nissan Skylines coming into the country, but they didn't. They left it up to each officer and supervisor to interpret the law on their own.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:03 |
It was my NISMO and a Hako I helped import at JCCS. Who did I ask? The guy in charge. The guy that knew my name. The guy that told me we have a lot of "mutual acquaintances."
I've been doing this a few years. I always get clarification on things. Its probably my research that you even know the cars were built starting in August. Without me putting it out most people wouldn't have a clue about it.
I taught the other guys what they think they know about importing.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:13 |
Yeah, but that's nowhere near as funny
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:15 |
I can't find a truely applicable example to cite, but an error on the part of the CBP Officer / Agent does not change the law as it's written.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:28 |
Hey everyone, my name is Jason Kaufman and I run Nostalgia Imports
I have to admit I'm pretty flattered I'm being quoted on the site.
Im sure no one cares about what I have to say and that's fine with me. However, if people do care I have made my comments on my Facebook page
Thanks again guys
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:34 |
I would love to see clarification in writing. If only the year of manufacture is what matters that's great, but how it's written could be taken the other way. What happens when someone decides to interpret it differently? If you have it in writing from 'The guy in charge', then you have one person interpreting a legal statute. They aren't the final say. If they leave their post, someone else could interpret that differently. Thats where seizures, courts, and a judge would come into play. It would be of use having it in writing if you did end up in court over it, but it might not be enough.
My biggest concern there would be that the situation could result in a costly legal battle. Regardless of outcome, it could be expensive to handle that. Would you stand by your customer if that happened? Would you pay the resulting legal fees?
Thanks for providing information to the community, but I've known about GT-R production dates for a while.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:39 |
Hey Jason. Thanks for responding. Just so you know this is Oppositelock, it's not Jalopnik proper, and I am not a paid writer.
As I said in another comment, everything I've seen of you guys shows you as a legitimate importer working only with legal cars. I have been aware of your business for a while.
I'm afraid this may be a sticky situation though. For the sake of the community, please be very sure what you are selling is legal.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:43 |
They have new cars on the lots, but they are called "demonstrators" and they get flogged off cheaply once the dealers are done with them.
As far as I see it, all your "new cars" are demonstrators. As soon as some potential buyer farts into the seat, or does a 10+ mile test drive, it's not a new car in my book.
A "new" car is one that gets built to your spec sheet, and that has your name on it when it rolls down the production line.
The only people stupid enough to buy a brand new vehicle (depreciation, yadda yadda) in recent times were a mate and my dad. They both got vehicles from France (Citroen DS3, and Renault Megane RS), which isn't that far away, and they still had to wait for them several months.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:47 |
As far as I see it, all your "new cars" are demonstrators. As soon as some potential buyer farts into the seat, or does a 10+ mile test drive, it's not a new car in my book.
That's why I buy my cars in stick shift (dumbass Americans don't know how to drive them so they don't get test driven). When I bought mine it had 6 miles on it when I test drove it (presumably pre-ship testing and loading / unloading) and 11 miles after the test drive / when I signed the paperwork.
An order system like that wouldn't work in America because we are all pompous and require instant gratification.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 19:51 |
Just to be totally clear for everybody. I'm not trying to call you guys out as a bad business. The only thing I saw as incorrect from you was this statement:
"Once it passes over the border there is nothing to worry about. Just getting it through is something that has to be tested"
There could still be something to worry about. That's why I said:
"I hope they do their research and come to realize even if the cars make it in, it doesn't make them legal. It seems up to that statement, everything they're doing is legal."
![]() 01/02/2014 at 20:02 |
I personally called epa and dot a year ago. It is by month of production no other rules apply than that date of manufacture...........
![]() 01/02/2014 at 20:04 |
I know the guys...they're legit and very passionate about the cars they deal.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 20:17 |
Trevor, although your position makes sense, logic hardly applies here. Understand that every illegally imported Skyline in the last few years was not disguised as a rhino and snuck into the US under a sheet - they were all signed over and accepted with some sort of official paperwork mixed with confusion. The fact that there was a paper trail with errors has never, ever stopped ICE from forcibly exporting or seizing a car. There are a lot of examples of this. Your car is truly no big deal by itself, and you may think - who would bother to worry? - and that would also be a fair assumption. Until importers all over the US are publicly posting on how they hope to take advantage of your good fortune. That's the kind of thing that our agencies don't exactly like. I am hoping that you are unaffected.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 20:27 |
Hes got the legal import papers, I don't see how the government could possibly say it is an illegal car.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 20:37 |
A mistake on the part of a government employee doesn't change the law as written.
Just because it's not fair, doesn't mean the government can't do it.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 20:40 |
Well said.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:02 |
"I also see a lot of non-domestic makes that show up early. Are these just not being sold in other markets until the year they are marked as?"
The other way around. If it was built in '13, it's a '13 car, whatever the manufacturer claims, and whenever it was sold. My BMW's technically a 1990 car, even though it was first sold and registered in 1991, because it was made in '90.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:04 |
Isn't it only a problem between now and August anyway? Surely after August the car will definitely be legal?
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:14 |
Well lets say for example you go out and buy the new C7 Corvette. A car that had a massive makeover from the previous model year. It is being sold in the states as a 2014, even in 2013. They were produced in 2013. Would these not be sold until 2014? would they be marketed as a 2013?
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:20 |
That's grey too...He has proper papers, so with this particular car...maybe...
In the Cosmo example I gave, definitely no. He never got the proper paperwork. The car was more than likely smuggled in to the US in a container full of used car parts.
With this R32 no one tried to smuggle anything or deceive anyone, It seems that customs may have erroneously passed the car through. He has proper paperwork, so who knows...
The text in the law is written exactly as "The vehicle is 25 or more years old." The law states nothing about year of manufacture.
His car right now is not 25 years old, it's 24 1/2. It would be the same as someone saying they were legal to drink today because they turn 21 in August.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:29 |
They'd be marketed as the new model. The year doesn't really come into it.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:34 |
"The text in the law is written exactly as "The vehicle is 25 or more years old." The law states nothing about year of manufacture."
It's always problematic trying to read legislation when you can't do a caselaw search to find out what the precise meaning of certain terms is. In this case, if it's not specified elsewhere in the legislation, I'd expect that there's certainly precedent establishing the meaning of the term. What it is, I wouldn't like to guess. Could go both ways.
"It would be the same as someone saying they were legal to drink today because they turn 21 in August."
If the law's consistent on those two counts. But it may well not be, because cars manufactured to a certain design are all the same, regardless of whether they were built at the start or end of a year, whereas people are significantly different ages if they were born in January instead of December.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 21:50 |
Question, if the R32 Nismo was valid, then surely the '92 NSX-R (483 produced, advancements along the Nismo relative to the standard GT-R) should be eligible as well for Show and Display... It's also now past the 21 year EPA headache.
Has anyone tried this? I don't see any denied applications for, specifically and only, the '92 NSX-R.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:15 |
True point on the drinking example.
I can't find any case that may have set precedent in the issue. I'm not a lawyer, but in all of the legislation (I've spent hours reading it) they don't further define that. They do define model year, but that's not what's used in this case.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:16 |
The problem is that it's often not defined in the legislation, but by precedent. And if you don't have all the law books to look it up in, it's pretty much impossible to find out the precedent. One of the few things it's still worth going to a good library for these days.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:19 |
You're right, its not on either the approved or disapproved list. You could petition for it to be eligible, but I'd consider it a waste of time. By the time you get through all of it, it may well be legal to import under the 25-yr rule, or at least getting really close to it.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:22 |
There definitely could be a precedent set in this case.
To me it's just not worth risking it. Even if a precedent has been set, it doesn't guarantee you won't find yourself in court trying to prove it.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:32 |
hey danox574, nice catching up with you again after all these years. maybe you will remember me as YumGTR. :)
The difference between this car and its paperwork and the others that you have mentioned, is that there was no deception or inaccuracies in my import declarations. I give you mad props for owning a Motorex'd R34, you and i have both talked about how the feds could still even come after Motorex'd cars through no fault of their current owners, because all of the 1996+ vehicles that Motorex declared as 1995 model year vehicles (including yours I believe). A friend of mine bought a 2002 R34 VSpec II Nur from a Treasury Dept auction (IRS seized) and found out it was a Motorex car, but when we called NHTSA they informed him that it was "export only" because Motorex's import declarations were based on lies, and therefore invalidated any action taken by the importer and any bond release or approvals given by the government after.
If I had lied on my import declaration and obtained a customs entry number due to my deceit, then I would be worried, yes. I didn't though, so I'm not.
To clear up any further confusion, please read:
Thank you for your well wishes to me, I appreciate them. And yes, I do agree with you and Bird as you explain that just because I got my cleared does not mean it's a carte blanche for every individual and company out there that they can automatically get their cars in before August. I imagine that some guidance will proceed from the Federal Gov't and clarity will soon be provided and if what I did pissed them off, that guidance may very well be to not allow any further R32 crossings without first having proof of production month. I don't believe that will happen, but it could.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:34 |
Sorry, I didn't mean a precedent specific to this case, but to the meaning of a vehicle being X years old. If they're not in the habit of defining it, it must have come up before now in some other context that is directly comparable.
Agreed on not being worth the risk - but then I live in a country where we don't treat Skylines like drugs until they're 25 years old, so it's never been forbidden fruit to me.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:44 |
We're big fans of prohibition in the US. We have a strong history of it working for us...
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:47 |
Just wanted to say since I didn't before, congratulations on the purchase, and I hope you enjoy your car.
The blog post you linked to speaks to the definition of model year. However, that's not the terminology used in the applicable part of the statute. From 'Title 49: §591.5 Declarations required for importation.' it reads exactly:
"The vehicle is 25 or more years old."
'Model Year' is defined there and used in other areas, just as that blog post says.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 22:54 |
Without prohibition Ted Kennedy wouldn't have been able to make his money as a bootlegger, so you wouldn't have had JFK as president, so no Apollo Program...
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:00 |
OMG...if that didn't happen...then by natural course of events....NO TANG! Oh the humanity.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:04 |
Look on the show and display list. Cosmo 20B. Its there. Shhhhh....
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:10 |
It's there...but only for 1994-1995 models.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:27 |
Transport Canada allows the manufacturers to declare what model year their cars are that are being imported into Canada. The car could have been made in late 1988 but the manufacturer states on paperwork submitted that it is an 1989. It does not matter what month or even calendar year it was made - that's the way it works in Canada. We pretty much don't care. There are a few manufacturers that have a VIN code that *can* show a build month but it doesn't apply for importation if the importer/manufacturer wants to call it a different year. The manufacturers apply a 'range' of VIN's that will be shipped to particular countries —- usually based upon the numbers that marketing think can be sold in that market.
Porsche do the same thing - you have to research VIN numbers of Porsche's to nail down the 'possible' month your car was built but there is NO exact way to tell the precise date it was built (other then factory pick up) and I'm sure that the US spec Porsche's are the same. Mine is early in the year. Jan? Feb? At least it wasn't made the Friday before the annual Porsche summer holiday shut down! :)
To fixate on the MONTH a car was built in order to allow/disallow entry is pedantic.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:30 |
I cannot believe we are having this conversation. its a car, it will not disrupt the flow of the world, it will do nothing to anyone except bring the owner, and owners, joy. if the government does something about this car because it jumped the gun for 8 months i will not be okay! haha
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:33 |
As I recall the 2002 was the same status as the now departed Big Bird - a car only touched by Motorex (we found out) is not the equivalent as bestowed to an owner who did their best to comply and found themselves unable to work with Motorex and bond released. I have been on the phone with the OVSC more than once and they have assured me that the concern you have doesn't exist - otherwise I wouldn't own it! I know they told your friend something different but I'll take my source there at his word.
Anyway, this is about you and your success now, and congratulations!
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:36 |
Governments exist to be pedantic...
August 1989 was the official start of production on the R32 GT-R, so it wasn't made in 1988.
The production dates for the various VIN ranges of these cars are well known and documented.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:42 |
Yeah it's completely ridiculous...we have so much stupid legislation on the books it's not funny.
I'm just worried that this situation could come back and bite an unsuspecting customer somewhere down the line when some importer jumps the gun and the customer gets their car seized.
![]() 01/02/2014 at 23:53 |
Oh i get that, that would be really awful.. but really people should have been just a little more patient.. though it is badass that the first R32 was literally brought in on the first day of 2014, people need to wait..
![]() 01/03/2014 at 00:57 |
I am currently on orders to Japan for next year (Army), and was wondering if you have any advice when it comes to bringing a vehicle back? Also curious how expensive is the actual shipping?
![]() 01/03/2014 at 09:26 |
FYI: I used those year formats 1988/1989 as an example - not as a factual statement concerning this car.
![]() 01/03/2014 at 09:52 |
![]() 01/03/2014 at 10:26 |
Heh, i see you still don't gasp it. MY is marketing speech, stricktly marketing, nothing more, and that mostly in the US anyhow. What the post talks about is date of manufacture, because that is what the law in question relates the 25 years threshold to. If it was manufactured in 1989 (whatever month), it's an 1989 car, end of. Even if it was then marketed as an 1990 car...
As per MY 1989 GT-R, i don't know much about the subject, but it could be, that it was introduced to the price lists as something people can order in early 1989, but the production was a bit delayed. This happened a lot in older times, though seems less likely with Japanese precision planning, but still. Model year outside the US is the year it was introduced, and August is still very much 1989. So the Mustang, that is now marketed as a 2015 MY car in the US, would be a 2014 Mustang in the rest of the world.
![]() 01/03/2014 at 11:11 |
In all my research, one of the things I have not yet been able to figure out is the order of operations for legally importing a 25 year old car.
Are you allowed to own the car before the 25 year mark (and store it out of country until time)?
I aslo think there may be complications with registration, but that varies state to state.
![]() 01/03/2014 at 12:04 |
If you're importing directly, yes, you can own the car outside the country. (If whatever the country it is in will allow it, it's under their jurisdiction at that point.) I own a 1975 Lada in Estonia right now. It's way more than 25 years old, so different situation, but it will be shipped over after a road trip this summer.
Each state makes their own registration laws. So yes, some states you will have issues. In many states there are options to allow you to register a vehicle more than 25 years old, that you may not be able to register otherwise. Also some states will have varying statutes by county. Often times the most populated county, or the county where the capitol is located, will have stricter registration regulations.
You should research the specifics of your state/situation. It can't all be done on the internet either. You may need to make some phone calls, or go to a library.
![]() 01/03/2014 at 12:33 |
Which is why most of the world uses chassis codes and generations before model years.
Mk2 Escort
EG Civic
E34 535i
![]() 01/03/2014 at 21:12 |
Hi Jason,
Just in case you'd like to come back and provide more information here, we are a largish forum (1500+ members) and I have added you as an author. Your experience and expertise would be welcome.
I'm Gamecat and I'm one of the moderators here. If you want to stick around and you have any questions, let me or really, anyone, know.
Thanks for stopping by and providing your side of the story. It's a rather complex one I would imagine.
![]() 01/03/2014 at 21:13 |
Hi Trevor,
Just in case you'd like to come back and provide more information here, we are a largish forum (1500+ members) and I have added you as an author (you can create standalone posts on Oppositelock). Your experience and expertise would be welcome.
I'm Gamecat and I'm one of the moderators here. If you want to stick around and you have any questions, let me or really, anyone, know.
Welcome aboard if you'd like to stick around. And congrats!
![]() 01/04/2014 at 02:26 |
Hey gamecat
If you can email me at info@nostalgiaimports. If be happy to help with any info people may need.